Thursday, August 28, 2014

My top antiaging supplement pick!

 Hello and welcome to my blog!

I have been doing a lot of research on telomeres lately. Telomeres are tiny pieces of genetic code at the end of each strand of DNA in all of our cells. They are like a biological clock. Each time your cells divide, telomeres get a bit shorter, ticking away and telling your cells how old to act. The longer your telomeres are results in slowing down the aging process and increasing resistance to almost every  health problem.

Turns out that certain things shorten telemores and other things lengthen them!  Stress, poor nutrition (nutritional deficiencies, etc.), exposure to free radicals, high blood sugar and inflammation all shorten telomeres.

Too much blood sugar, caused by eating grains and other starchy carbs, and sugary foods, causes you to produce lots of insulin to break down the sugar. Insulin then stimulates the body to store this sugar in fat cells … but insulin also increases inflammation. Telomeres are very susceptible to shortening due to inflammation from insulin.1
One study found that the more insulin you’ve produced, the shorter your telomeres will be.2 
Telomerase is an enzyme which activates telomere lengthening. As it turns out, numerous nutrients turn on this enzyme or help prevent shortening from exposure to inflammation, free radicals: B Vitamins, Vitamins C and D,  Zinc, Magnesium, Omega-3's and all antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients such as Alpha Lipoic Acid, Astaxanthin, Green Tea, Ginger, Resveratrol, Grape seed extract, Curcumin, Boswellia and MSM, etc.
However, new research with one nutritional supplement stands out from all the others: Chlorella.  Research with Chlorella resulted in a significant decrease in DNA damage suggesting a protective effect against free radical attacks. In cells induced with oxidative stress, telomere length decreased significantly coupled with a concomitant decline of telomerase activity. However, these reductions were prevented with prior and
post treatment of Chlorella supplementation. Therefore, the researchers concluded that Chlorella  exhibited bioprotective effects  as indicated by DNA damage, telomere shortening and reduction in telomerase activity. 3
Chlorella helps detox the body due to it's high chlorella content, is rich in nutrients and is in fact, what I use for my daily "multi." It contains all essential vitamins, all minerals, all amino acids, essential fats, phytochemicals, plus Chlorella Growth Factor which was already known to protect our DNA (which makes it very protective against cancer). This new research provides more evidence of its amazing benefits.
Chlorella is also great to help raise pH, further protecting us against health problems!

To order the top quality chlorella supplement I recommend, click here:

For more information on Chlorella: Check out my book
1. Serra V, Grune T, Sitte N, Saretzki G, von Zglinicki T. "Telomere length as a marker of oxidative stress in primary human fibroblast cultures." Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;908:327-30.
2. Al-Attas OS et al, “Adiposity and insulin resistance correlate with telomere length in middle-aged Arabs: the influence of circulating adiponectin.” Eur J Endocrinol. 2010;163(4):601-7.
Makpol et al., Afr. J. Trad. CAM (2009) 6 (4): 560 - 572 560.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome to the new Recipes for Life with Dr. Beth Blog!

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Using real food that God has made. Using natural, high quality supplements you can trust!

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